Why Creativity in the Workplace is Essential

1 min readDec 2, 2021

All work and no Play makes for the worst of work-life! For years companies and individuals alike have been talking about the importance and necessity of creativity at the workplace — but why IS creativity so essential? And is it required in ALL fields?

Well, yes.

Anyone who tells you that creativity is only required in artistic fields is lying because even the simplest, most day to day events require creativity to make them better. Creativity is thus the running force of constant innovation.

A workplace that supports creativity is essentially a space of respect, safety, and encouragement for employees. This is expressly because one cannot be creative without feeling rested and appreciated. In an office that offers the above qualities, employees are noticeably more creative in their problem solving and dare to make revolutionary changes.

When you encourage creativity in the workplace, employees are more likely to recognise the many plusses and successes that might come with failures. Because of this they are not deterred by failures or setbacks, instead they are more driven to finding long-lasting solutions.




Wiridis is a young startup founded in 2019 in Singapore with a mission to increase data literacy and improve the decision making of brand owners.